
StreetCloud Music Career Advice : - Checkout The 2 Totally Overlooked Ways To Get Paid For Your Music

February 03, 2017 Shayo CEO Topmp3jamz 0 Comments

The days of paying to hear music are over. If you want to hear something all it take is a couple clicks or taps. So that must mean that musicians are screwed right? Wrong. It means that in order to sell yourself, you’re gonna need to know how to promote your music. And it’ll take some creativity—y’know, that creativity you use to make music everyday. Here’s 8 of the most overlooked ways to get paid for your music.
1. Give Your Music Away For Free. But Do It With Style
It’s no longer enough to just simply sell your album. Streaming has definitely made things a bit weird when it comes to selling music. Consumers still want to support music. Listeners just want something special. And on their own terms. That’s why many artists have started giving albums away for free—but with extra goodies on top. How you sell your album — or give it away — has to be just as creative as the music itself. So be creative with how you get your album out there. Sell an experience, not a ‘thing'
2. Fiverr :- There is already a huge community of people selling tracks on Fiverr. But it’s still not that hard to stand out. Hot Tip: tracks that have been run through mastering software tend to stand-out and sell better. Mo’ Money, Less Problems Now that you have some extra cash flow, the best thing you should do is re-invest into your project. Keep an artist fund that you only touch when you have to. Save it up and use it wisely to grow your project even more. Just don’t blame us when all your less savvy artist friends start hitting you up for loans. _____________________ Hope the StreetCloud Music Career Advice as been really helpful to your Music Career? I know if you finally finished reading the above Advice it will also help you alot. Note:- Do you wish to see yourself on the world magazine or television and achieve your dream & goals in Music, Http:// can actually help you with that. Most of the artiste that joined the package are really making it and have been making some dope money from it. Do you also want to join today? Send a mail to Or Call Tomkid On:- 08144670475 Cheers…